
CMSL collects the following kinds of information from our website visitors, but does not share or distribute this information for commercial purposes among any third parties.

Aggregate Information

Aggregate Information is anonymous data – such as your IP address (the unique number assigned to every computer on the internet), domain name (e.g., and web browser type (e.g. Internet Explorer or FireFox).

Aggregate Information is collected in order to diagnose problems with the web server, and to assess the kinds of visitors this site receives in an effort to provide the best possible experience for website visitors.

Aggregate information is not personally identifiable. When you visit you remain anonymous, unless you choose otherwise.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personally Identifiable Information is any information that identifies you. This includes your email address, or any other details that you supply voluntarily.

We collect Personally Identifiable Information (such as your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address) only when you intentionally provide this information to us via email, or through our online contact form.